Sunday, March 18, 2012


Okay, DPA members, here's how to win a free breakfast at the next Third Thursday Breakfast Club get-together, plus your own DPA T-shirt.  If you were at our "It Came From Dallas: The Magnificent Seventh" show on February 23rd (and we hope you were),  you saw our opening piece, "Dallas-O-Rama", a 3.5 minute montage featuring eleven classic movie moments in which our fair city is mentioned.  Here it is again if you missed it:

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to identify each one of these clips, in order.  We need exact titles, not just "Three Stooges" or "John Wayne movie".   The first entry with all correct answers, or the entry with the most correct answers at the deadline time, wins. The deadline is April 15.   Email your responses, with your contact info, directly to me at: 

put "DPA CONTEST ENTRY" in the subject line.

No purchase required!  Open to DPA members only.  Contest void in Wisconsin.  
Second Prize:  the "It Came From Dallas" game, home edition!
Third Prize:  Rice-a-Roni, The San Francisco treat!
(okay, kidding about those last two.  There's only first prize).

So, unleash your inner movie trivia nerd for grub and swag, and watch for future postings of some of the most-requested segments from this year's show, coming soon.

-Gordon K. Smith/Altair IV Productions